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Wacktrap is
feedback made social
You're sharing your wacks with friends quickly and easily. But what if you also want your friends to be able to share their wacks, and make 'em part of your Connections? After all, it’s even more fun to see your friends’ crazy experiences too. If your friends deem you ‘in the know’ on all the latest, help ‘em out by spreading the word. When you're the 'go to,' don't leave 'em in the dark. You'll also rack up Wack Stats fast by inviting friends-and receive bonus Stats when your friends join Wacktrap.
You’re lovin’ Wacktrap and wanna spread the word. But you also want to make sure you’re not unknowingly adding your best friend’s email address to a list of streaming solicitations. That just wouldn’t be cool. At Wacktrap, we make sure we're adding to your rep, not making you the resident fool.
Any invite you send, including the email address you enter, remains private. We’re sticklers about that kind of thing. Wacktrap respects your privacy, and that of anyone you invite to our community. Email addresses are sacred stuff. We promise: we won’t be buggin’ your friend or associate with never-ending emails or solicitations. They’ll get your invite once. And we won’t be using that info for solicitation. Wacktrap Terms of Use will help you understand our policy.
Wacktrap Invitations is a handy feature designed to make life easy-and communication fast. You can invite friends, family or anyone in your exclusive circle, to join the Wacktrap community. And because we've made a solid pledge to you, you'll rest assured we're not violating your privacy or theirs.
Our Invitations feature makes joining Wacktrap a snap. Your friends will become part of your community-fast and easy-so they can post wacks right alongside yours. Make it a race to see whose wacks make it the Wacktrap homepage first-unless of course you're afraid of a little friendly competition.
Just log in and head directly to your personal Wacktrap Account, found at the 'My Account' tab. Once there, you’ll find a handy tab reading ‘Invitations.’ Click that tab, enter the email address where you’d like that invite to go, and hit submit. You can even include a short note. It’s that simple. They’ll receive a simple email similar to this:
“Your friend, [this would be you] , has invited you to join wacktrap at http://www.wacktrap.com. To become a member of wacktrap, click the link below or paste it into the address bar of your browser.”
When they click that link, we’ll take ‘em where they need to go-straightaway. And you've helped 'em get there. For every friend that joins, we’ll be awardin’ you those bonus Wack Stats. But that’s just between us. We won’t share your secret.
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