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Wacktrap FAQs - Registering

We invite you to post on Wacktrap and enjoy all the features of this site. To add a wack or post, you’ve gotta meet just two requirements: register for a Wacktrap account and be at least 14 years old. Visit our Wacktrap Terms to learn more.
Enjoy use of the Wacktrap website to read anything you’d like, but you’ve gotta be registered to add a wack, Rate a wack or Comment on a wack. We value your privacy and Wacktrap membership is free.
Once registered, you become a Wacktrap Member. And we’ve got all kinds of features you’ll enjoy and find easily in My Account. Access your account to use wack mail, Wacktrap Messaging to make and add Connections, send an invite and manage your Subscriptions for RSS Feeds. Plus you're gonna want to learn more about all our Fancy Features you'll be usin', like Forums and Wack Stats.

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What you see is what you get, and that’s not changin'-we promise, it will only get better and better. We know you’re going to like Wacktrap so much you may never want to log off, so you won’t be needing a trial membership. The Wacktrap Account you're experiencing now is free, and stayin' that way.
We’re always working on new stuff-and that includes new ways to continually enhance your experience here. In fact the Wacktrap team is diligently working right now, to develop specialized and advanced service options-and future developments-which we believe you're gonna like. Some enhancements you may not notice. Which means we're doing our job.
Some stuff you will notice. Yes, the Wacktrap Team is working on some new fancy features and developments. We believe in staying ahead of the game that way. Future developments, like special access to certain parts of the Wacktrap site, we'll be rollin' out along the way. When we make those announcements, you decide whether those options are right for you. We will be offering optional paid access to specialized VIP areas-just think of it as the rooms beyond the rope. But don't worry-we won't be taking any of the good stuff you enjoy now. We'll keep you posted along the way, as to major changes-and exciting new stuff in the works.
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It's with you for the long-term, so choose a Wacktrap username you won’t forget. Don’t worry, we'll send you your name if you do. But if you’re forgettin’ it so soon, no one else is rememberin' it either. When your wack's promoted to the frontpage, that name of yours is goin' round the world. That claim to fame is yours, so make your name a fantastic-and memorable-one!
Your Wacktrap username might be dazzling, silly, righteous, energetic, charming, alluring, fantastic, unusual, upbeat, witty, entertaining, succinct-or virtually any other adjective that comes to mind. This is your identity we're talkin' about-so make it your own!
If you value your privacy as much as we do: please avoid using your first and last name, or first initial and last name. John A. Doe? If privacy is of strict concern to you, keep in mind that ‘johndoe,’ ‘johnadoe,’ ‘jdoe,’ or ‘jadoe' probably won't maintain that strictest privacy you're lookin' for.
That surname of yours is mighty important to sites that depend on it. Sites like Facebook need it, for specific purpose. We'll help you send those best wacks to your Facebook profile and tweet those wacks using Twitter. At Wacktrap we’re helpin’ you connect-in a different and very powerful way. So while that offline name you’ve been using all these years will continue to be handy for regular stuff, you won’t be needing it here. You’ll be adding your new Wacktrap username to that arsenal of yours-and we think you’ll find it a mighty powerful tool indeed.
If you're insistent that you'd like to use your name or portion of your name for simplification or another reason, the choice is yours. You are not required to use any part of your name within your Wacktrap username.
Remember: punctuate life, not your username. Keep those dashes, underscores and any symbols out of your Wacktrap username-and out of the way. Using 'em only hinders our Search function, making it harder for friends and admirers to find you fast.

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Not appreciating who you are after all this time? Assisting in an identity crisis is not our forte. If you’re up in arms, sure you want to be someone else, rest assured we have our reasons for askin' you to stay the same.
Wacktrap isn't simply a site, it’s an intimate community built on sharing and reputation. At Wacktrap your username is more than important, it's your identity. It’s how members know you. It’s how members remember you. It’s how members evaluate you. From the moment you establish your Wacktrap identity, you’ll be involved in adding wacks, reading and Rating those wacks. And of course Commenting on them. Your Wacktrap username is you. Members learn about who you are and how you think.
Consider your identity, whom you are and whom you might want to be, when first creating your Wacktrap account. Once your account is created, we can't change your username. Because, with name changes, it’s so easy to get lost in the mix. Even when you don’t  mean to be. And we definitely don’t want that happenin'.
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Yes, both your Wacktrap username and password are case-sensitive. Why is that so important? If you've used a cap in your password or username, you've gotta be usin' that cap in the exact same spot or you won't be gettin' in to your account anytime soon.

Forgettin' where you put that cap when you created your account? We know it happens. Don't worry. Just plug in the email address you used upon registration, and we'll get you a new password in a jiffy. But before you go, learn how to make your Wacktrap password most secure.
Then Grab Your New Wacktrap Password!
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We’ve gotta be able to reach you when necessary. When you first register, we need to verify that you're human and not a bot. More importantly, there are times when you're gonna need to hear from us.
Important stuff, like delivery of Wacktrap member notifications, account password resets for forgotten passwords, responses to questions sent via the Contact Wacktrap webform, and other stuff we need to send your way.
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