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Worker Empties IRS Building Over Eggs Mistaken as Grenade

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by underthesea

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In The News

Apparently tax dollars are really going to use-2,000 people total and hundreds of IRS workers were evacuated needlessly from an Atlanta federal building that houses IRS offices.
A worker inspecting X-ray scans in the Federal building mailroom perhaps thinks he works for the anti-terrorism unit. Crystal eggs, contained in a package shipment and seen in an X-ray scan, were mistaken for a possible hand grenade by a mailroom employee in the IRS-housed building.
It's unclear as to how an entirely smooth object was deemed as a possible grenade, or how multiples of that object--multiple eggs contained in the package--were mistaken as one, single grenade.
Atlanta police Officer Otis Redmond says workers X-raying packages in the mail room of the Peachtree Summit Federal Building found a "suspicious package". NBC News said that a fireman had stated that the package appeared to contain a hand grenade--actual package contents later proved to be crystal eggs.
Note the plural.
About 2,000 people were evacuated from the 31-story Peachtree Summit Federal Building but were allowed to back inside, while the police department also got involved, additionally closing surrounding streets. The Peachtree Summit Federal Building is home to offices for the IRS, U.S. Social Security Administration and other United States Federal agencies.
While it's routine procedure to X-ray packages that come through the Federal building's mailroom--apparently it's not routine procedure to ensure some degree of intelligence or even common sense in who is viewing those scans: hand grenades are not perfectly smooth, like the surface of a crystal egg.


Atlanta, GA
United States
33° 44' 56.382" N, 84° 23' 16.7352" W
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