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Unofficial Bouncer Tases Colorado Bar Patron for not Turning Hat Around

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by copythat

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In The News

Apparently it’s best not to mess with Colorado Springs or its ‘dress code’. A 23-year-old patron – while deeming himself ‘self-appointed’ security for a billiards hall – literally stunned the hell out of a guy he felt was not well-enough dressed for the bar.

A backwards hat was the start of the problem. Nathan Landis was at “Antique Billiards” in Colorado Springs, CO, when he told another guy to turn his hat around – to correct what was obviously distasteful attire to Landis. In what turned out to be an unfortunate turn of events for the hat-wearer, Landis’ ‘request’ to fix the hat was not readily met.

It seems Landis views himself as the unofficial bouncer for the bar and billiards spot, and after telling the guy to straighten his hat repeatedly, the refusal turned to things becoming heated. The guy finally said he would leave the bar but, as he was headed for the door to vacate, Landis began a fight by pushing him to the ground – following that up with multiple tases. Once was apparently not good enough for Landis, tasing the hat-wearer repeatedly with a stun gun.

Colorado area police aren’t viewing Landis’ view of ‘security’ too highly: Landis was arrested on felony charges for illegal use of a stun gun. Very fortunately for Landis, the guy he tased is alive: stun guns and use are responsible for otherwise avoidable deaths, the shock of high voltage known to trigger heart attacks – particularly in people whom have consumed medication, drugs or alcohol.

A conviction on the stun gun charge alone could still mean three years in prison for Landis.

Remember, kids : no one outside of law enforcement is allowed to threaten lives with a Taser.

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