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Some are too young -- or too dumb -- to learn from the John Wayne Bobbitt story. A guy in Fort Lauderdale mmay not have been so irritated, but he allowed himself to fall asleep with an apparently (very) angry girlfriend nearby: she took it out on his crotch. The guy awoke to a fire in his nether regions -- giving himself the 'pat-down' to put out the blaze.
The boyfriend and victim of the 'crotch fire' says he's not putting up the money for bail, to let his girlfriend out of jail, after she lit fhe fire in his crotch. The Judge says she's not allowed to have flame. The media: well, it's not saying a lot aside from a humorous Fox interview, but it seems that no one can find the guy a semi-clean t-shirt without 20 holes for the video interview. Fire may cause holes, but the guy's attire looks like any blaze may actually have helped the 'cause' or at least helped sterilize through high heat temps.
Sheldon Gonzales told police he was "awakened by a burning sensation in the crotch of his pants," his first sight his girlfriend -- with a Bic. Apparently Berlinda Dixon-Newbold was seen with cigarette lighter in hand when Gonzales was first alerted to to the problem. It didn't take Gonzales too long to realize that the bottom of his shirt, -- lying over his crotch -- was on fire.
Police say the man managed to put out the small blaze with just his hands -- and Gonzales gives an in-depth demonstration to Fox, of how to put out a fire. When Gonzales tried to leave after putting out his 'crotch fire', he was met at the door by the angry girlfriend -- an even hotter argument ensuing, neighbors and (ironically) her choosing to telephone police.
She's got $6,500 bail; he's still got everything attached -- but could use a new t-shirt.
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