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Dad Finds Worst Place to Lose Stash May Be Dropping Joint in Kid's Lunch Box

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It's the worst place to lose a stash. Dropping a joint in your kid's lunch box ranks among the dumbest places to misplace drugs. On the bright side, at least the dad make's his son lunch. On the dimmer side, the 33-year-old Connecticut father's facing possession charges after cops searched his home. It's better than a kid bringing baggies of crack to school for show-and-tell.

It was daycare staff who discovered a rolled joint of marijuana cigarette in an 18-month-old's lunchbox -- the Clinton Child Care Center phoning police after discovering the small amount of weed near lunchtime. It's unclear whether father John Sulzbach had been smoking some before packing the meal, but the kid's dad is accused of accidentally dropping the drugs into the lunch at Killingworth, Connecticut. Maybe involvement by cops should've been the indicator to clean up any other pre-existing stuff related to the weed -- before officers arrived.

The boy's parents agreed to a property search of the home, for some reason, when there was allegedly an ounce or less of marijuana and smoking paraphernalia that police found in the residence's basement. The dad is now charged with possession of a controlled substance -- along with impairing the morals of a child. It seems to be a 'Merry Christmas to Me' legal scenario, with a court date now slated for December 22. But while some argue adamantly against pot use among parents, the same would probably agree that there's far worse situations. It was just less than three months ago when a kid was set to present a most unusual show-and-tell, related to "crack".

In September, a kindergartener presented not only his mom's crack pipe but also the drug itself at a Missouri school. Kids had been asked to bring photos of the family for a show-and-tell session at Springs Elementary School. One child decided to bring not one baggie, but several, of 'crack rocks’. And that didn't turn out so well, with a street value of the methamphetamine of nearly four grand. $3,700 of the drug led to a home search that turned up a pipe for the drug -- meaning possession of a controlled substance and first-degree child endangerment charges.

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