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While Scarlett Johansson has filed a complaint with the Feds about alleged cell phone hacks--and naked pictures of herself that have been floating online--the FBI is taking on the case of how those photos have gotten into the hands of people other than herself when hackers illegally stole personal information through her e-mail and the accounts of others.
The celebrity's complaint isn't the first: The FBI agency says it's aware of the Scarlett Johansson hacking report and is investigating what the actress says is the leak of those photos. There's actually been complaints by up to 50 celebrity figures and similar e-mail hacks of other actresses are currently being investigated by the FBI. In Johansson's case, self-shot photographs include the actress topless on a bed and bare-bottomed with a towel. The online world -- and those sites insisting on publishing the nude photos -- have been hit with Cease and Desist notification.
Jessica Alba had also complained to the Feds of a leak via her cell phone -- and phone pics of Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis and Vanesse Hudgens are also involved, along with dozens of other celebrities. It all follows the hacking scandal of the U.K. and leaks of mobile phone pictures of a nude Blake Lively and other celebs.
The nude pics of Johansson were first seen online after popping up on WorldStarHipHop.com
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while christopher chaney
October 12, 2011 by hearit, 13 years 14 weeks ago
while christopher chaney faces 221 years on jail over the cell phone hacking, what's scariest is he was able to guess celebrity passwords simply based on their general info available publicly online. just google it. it's proof celebrities listen about as much as the general public does in regard to security suggestions. c'mon people, stop using the name of your dog, street or kid.