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Lohan says SCRAM not Set Off Calls Media Fucking Disgusting

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Unlike Chris Rock, actress Lindsay Lohan is blaming it on the media-the actress says the media is "fucking disgusting" in events surrounding her SCRAM alcohol bracelet issue that had boosted her bail to $200,000.
Lindsay Lohan's SCRAM alcohol monitoring bracelet went off Sunday night at a party after the MTV Movie Awards, indicating a "small amount" of alcohol in her system or less than 24 hours, but Lindsay maintains she had nothing alcholohic to drink.
 "My SCRAM wasn't set off- It's physically impossible considering I've nothing for it to go off," she tweeted Tuesday. "This is all because of a FALSE accusation by tabloids& paparazzi& it is fucking disgusting- I've been more than I'm compliance &feeling great." 
While the paparazzi may be disgusting, when your career can depend on their favor disfavor, it's probably wise not to actually call the media "fucking disgusting".
A SCRAM representative advised Judge Marshal Revel that Lohan's alcohol monitoring bracelet did in fact go off on Sunday. Lohan was seen at the after-party, drinking from a water bottle. The media has insinuated that more than water may have contained in that bottle.
SCRAM claims the electronic device can differentiate between actual alcohol intake by the wearer, based on perspiration from the skin, and any alcoholic drinks actually spilled on the alcohol monitoring bracelet.
Revel issued a warrant for Lindsay's arrest, setting bail at $200,000, double the first bail. The new bail amount was quickly posted, deactivating the bench warrant.
Lindsay stands to serve jail time if the judge finds she was in violation of the terms of her probation. The probation violation hearing is July 6 and Lindsay is planning to make her case. "I'm well, working to get proof that I did not tamper with the bracelet or drink." Based on prior experience, perhaps your attorney should be the one "working to get proof" or the case might not get too far. Judge Revel has the authority to send Lindsay Lohan back to jail, for violating terms-with the next hearing slated for less than one month away.

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