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Undies in a Bunch Over Chicago Marilyn Monroe Statue Panties Revealed

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by copythat

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In The News

Her identity's been kept a secret but the celebrity has been revealed: The "Windy City" has been keeping work top-secret, unveiling on July 15, its new 26-foot tall statue--a larger-than-life Marilyn Monroe. The Chicago statue receives great applause, from most. Some are upset. But upset doesn't have to do with size -- it has to do with a particular undergarment.

Marilyn Monroe's newest spot of fame lies in Chicago's Pioneer Court. While one boy tried to crawl up the leg of the latest tribute to Ms Marilyn, another group -- a wedding party -- posed for snapshots with the beauty.

The project's all been kept top-secret. Chicago workers put the statue in place late the night prior -- covering the gorgeous woman with an ugly piece of cloth over the statue's head. Created by artist Seward Johnson, the new statue replicates the American actress' famous subway scene.

She was made particularly famous in her 1955 film "The Seven Year Itch". A bit of 'wind', though, is causing a stir: Since the movie scene involves Marilyn Monroe standing over a subway grate -- while a breeze from a passing, underground, train blows her skirt up, it's only logical the statue's dress would recreate that 'breeze'. But some aren't exactly fond of the idea.

It ain't New York but it's the details that are important. And those panties may be the most important -- at least for some, who have got their undies in a bunch over Marilyn's lacy underwear. There's a bit of upset over the detail of the actress' underwear shown in the sculpture versus the lack of detail in the movie.

But, then again, the film wasn't exactly shot up Marilyn's skirt -- while statute viewers in Chicago are getting an underside view.

"I would have expected to see something flat there [under the Marilyn Monroe statue's skirt], and we wouldn't see her undergarments," Chicago-area resident Trisha Feely told the Associated Press. "It's a little intrusive."

Her husband has a bit less to say on the matter: "It reveals what everybody was always thinking," says 42-year-old Terry Feely.

Well, so, not everyone's thrilled -- but it is a statue of a human being, not a cartoon character. Humans do have parts. And, at least most, do wear underwear. It could be worse. Or better, depending on perspective.

Despite her beauty, the new Marilyn isn't permanent. There may have been a lot of work involved but the Chicago version of the actress is sticking around for less than a year. The sculpture of the Hollywood star is slated to be yanked down next Spring 2012 -- lacy underwear and all.


Chicago, IL
United States
41° 52' 41.2104" N, 87° 37' 47.2728" W
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