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Twitter Banned Justin Bieber Trending but Fans Find Diustin Biber

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by copythat

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In The News

Diustin Biber tops the Twitter trending list—once again confusing our illiterate nation, but beating Twitter at its own game. The social networking site bans the celebrity singer’s name from trending topics—but Bieber fans find a workaround, every time.
It all started in April, when Justin Bieber’s name mysteriously disappeared from the top of Twitter’s trending topics list. Rumors have circulated--that Bieber had been banned from trending by Twitter specifically because the company wants non-Bieber related topics to have a trending opportunity. But when a company is literally built on social networking, Twitter can’t expect that same base won’t band together in a crisis: dedicated Justin Bieber fans—unhappy with the singer’s elimination from trending topics—began using Twitter hashtags to band conversations together. Alternate solutions of #letbiebertrend, #letjbtrend and "Beliebers" have all been on the list. Bieber regularly retweets messages from about 1.6 million-plus followers on the Twitter social network site with a personal note—or even gives a "random late-night shout out" to female fans, encouraging chats.
For now, it's Diustin Biber.

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