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Los Angeles cops may not be able to arrest photographers in a vehicle pursuit but it's a step up: Two paparazzi find themselves handcuffed after a reportedly dangerous car chase where independent photogs reportedly ran red lights and were driving recklessly in a car pursuit of Michael Jackson's 13-year-old daughter, Paris--the oldest of Jackson's three children.
Freedom of the press has traditionally helped protect paparazzi and photographers who are trying to capture that 'shot' -- the single photo that can garner thousands when later sold to newspapers or the media. One of the paparazzi, was grabbed by LAPD police and handcuffed on July 13, claims he was tipped that Paris Jackson would be traveling in a car.
It's been well over a decade since Princess Diana was killed in a London car chase where paparazzi were blamed in responsibility for high speeds that led to the fatal crash.
Paris Jackson can sue the paparazzi in civil court over the car chase, a lawsuit which could help change the increasingly-dangerous "game" of photographers chasing celebrities.
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