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Highway Drivers Stash Cash After Bank Transport Truck Rains Money

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by hearit

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In The News

For those who have dreams of cash falling from the sky, the idea became reality as driver saw twenties raining down upon them. And the scene didn't occur through the the aid of one of the famous Netherlands' coffee bars soon to ban cannabis to tourists. It really happened.
Maybe following a truck closely isn't such a bad idea after all.
A package of cash dropped open after dropping off a bank transport truck and broke open -- raining euros on those nearby. The loose and raining bills caused chaos as drivers on the Netherlands' busy A2 highway scrambled to retrieve money, even parking cars on the highway's shoulder near Maastricht.
In a rare show of social networking communication by law enforcement, police in the Dutch province of Limburg tweeted a confirmation that "it briefly rained bank bills," after reported sightings of people scooping up handfuls of money -- before the stashed cash was driven away. No one outside of the company is quite sure how much money was lost from the bank's transport truck -- but one driver may be looking for a new job.


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