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Wacktrap is
feedback made social
The Wacktrap site is based upon literally thousands upon thousands of hours of research, development and work. We’ve compiled many of the most frequent wacks in life, categorized by what our Team currently knows to be the most common areas for experiences. But we’ll be the first to admit, you can’t always know exactly where or when a wack’s gonna pop up. While we’re sure we’ve gotten (at least most of it) right, we need your help.
Wacktrap depends on your insight and experience. We need your wack sightings. If you need to post your wack but aren’t seeing a category that best applies to you, we need to hear from you. Suggest a Wacktrap Category now via our webform, and we promise-we’ll work as fast as we can-to get it into our site structure. We'll have you back up and wacking-in no time.
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