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Russia Leads Conspiracy Theory United States Frames IMF Chief Strauss Kahn

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by hearit

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In The News

The wildest conspiracy theory to date is led by Russian Prime Minister Putin's claim that the United States is framing Strauss-Kahn for rape charges and sex acts because the IMF Chief discovered that all gold held in Fort Knox has simply gone missing.
Supposedly, even the United States CIA is in on this one.
Only a month ago Strauss-Kahn claimed Russia's Putin had his career marked for demise, expressing beliefs that Russia's leader had allied himself with France in efforts to have him fired from the IMF and to stop Strauss-Kahn his future run for the French presidency. Strauss-Kahn was worried that if he did not leave the IMF "cleanly" he wouldn't be able to announce his candidacy as France's next possible president.
It seems Russian Prime Minister Putin has been watching one too many Hollywood movies -- though the plot he presents could put existing flicks to shame. It's unclear whether Putin is having a bit of fun with the worldwide scandal that could effectively end Strauss-Kahn's political career and freedom, toying with the former man of power, or whether the leader is attempting to create an odd alliance. Either way, the scenario he presents includes every element of a top box-office film.
Prime Minister Putin claims, via the official Kremlin website, that the criminal charges brought against Dominique Strauss-Kahn are essentially a well-oiled conspiracy being conducted by the United States government -- with claims that even President Obama and "rogue elements" of the U.S. secret service agents of the CIA are involved. According to Putin's written word and statement released today: “It’s hard for me to evaluate the hidden political motives [on behalf of the United States government] but I cannot believe that it looks the way it was initially introduced. It doesn’t sit right in my head.”
Visions of Strauss-Kahn and the sex acts he's accused of don't really "sit right" in many people's heads.
Per this new conspiracy theory involving the U.S., Dominique Strauss-Kahn's arrest and legal charges -- including forced sodomy and oral sex acts -- have nothing to do with the IMF Chief or his actions. It's all a facade, a cover-up for missing gold, and the U.S. will apparently stop at nothing.
European media outlets continue to distribute word of a secret report that was supposedly prepared for Russian Prime Minister Putin by the Federal Security Service (FSB). That report makes the claim that former International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was charged and jailed in the United States for sex crimes -- for which he was arrested May 14, 2011 -- not because of perpetration of violent sex acts: Strauss-Kahn has been charged with rape by the U.S. government on trumped-up charges, United States government officials supposedly covering up Strauss-Kahn's discovery of all gold tender. The FSB report says Strauss-Kahn found out that all gold tender, in the United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, is supposedly "missing and/or unaccounted" for.
The claim is that Dominique Strauss-Kahn became “increasingly concerned” in early May 2011, after the U.S. supposedly began “stalling” a pledged delivery to the IMF of nearly two hundred tons of gold -- gold which the report claims "agreed to under the Second Amendment of the Articles of Agreement signed by the Executive Board in April 1978 that were to be sold to fund what are called Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)."
The Russian report says that when Strauss-Kahn raised his "concerns" about the missing gold -- with American government officials close to President Obama -- he was in turn "contacted" by "rogue elements" within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who provided him [Strauss-Kahn] "firm evidence" that all of the gold reported to be held by the US "was gone".
Who knew the CIA had such "rogue elements" roaming around?
When Strauss-Kahn was first arrested, police had said they were able to locate the IMF Chief after he used an Air France airline phone to call the Sofitel hotel about his cell phone. During initial allegations of the sex attack, it was thought Strauss-Kahn may have accidentally or left his cell phone at the Sofitel hotel in a hurry following any sexual attack -- or intentionally left the mobile device in in order to avoid being tracked and subsequently arrested by police. All cell phone manufactured in recent years must, by law, contain GPS that allows a provider and law enforcement to triangulate position much faster. In theory, GPS helps find location in an emergency or missing person. In reality, police can track anyone accused of a crime quickly.
The IMF Chief was literally minutes away from freedom when arrested at JFK in New York, on a flight found for France -- an escape that would've made pursuing legal charges, or chances for extradition, a virtual impossibility had Strauss-Kahn successfully departed on the Air France flight as he'd intended.
In the new version of events presented by Putin, Strauss-Kahn supposedly received CIA evidence of the "missing gold" and subsequently made immediate arrangements to leave the United States for Paris. As to what arrangements those were, or via what transportation method or through what locale, is unclear -- but the Russian FSB report claims that when Strauss-Kahn was contacted by agents working for France’s General Directorate for External Security (DGSE), with news that U.S. law enforcement officials were seeking his capture, the IMF Chief fled to New York City’s JFK International Airport. According to Putin, Strauss-Kahn followed the agents' directive to abandon his cell phone -- because United States police could track his exact location if he carried the mobile phone on his person. But, the FSB report says, the man made a "fatal mistake" in calling the New York Sofitel from an Air France phone on-board the plane, requesting hotel staff instead forward the mobile phone to his French home.
That may not be Strauss-Kahn's only "fatal mistake": the IMF Chief may soon be forced to submit to HIV-testing after recent facts have surfaced concerning housing and possible medical condition of the woman he's accused of raping. There's a possibility the West African immigrant may carry the HIV virus or be afflicted with AIDS. In her claim against Strauss-Kahn, the sex acts and sodomy she says occurred were allegedly without a condom or protection.
European media is using Ron Paul as backing for part of the conspiracy theory -- stating that Congressman Ron Paul has expressed the belief that the US government has actively lied about gold reserves held at Fort Knox. International media claims that U.S. Congressman Ron Paul is so convinced that the US government and Federal Reserve are lying about American gold reserves, that he introduced a bill at the end of 2010 in efforts to force an audit. According to the 'European Union Times', that bill by Ron Paul was "subsequently defeated by Obama regime forces."
Somebody better keep an eye on those "Obama regime forces" -- they sound very dangerous indeed.
Further evidence of the "missing gold" revolves around the seemingly-suspect move by Ron Paul to sell gold reserves -- while they're at a high point in value. International media cites Ron Paul's actions as an "interesting" note -- that "barely" 3 days following Strauss-Kahn's arrest, the U.S. Congressman Paul suggested the nation sell its gold reserves. Paul's statement: “Given the high price it [gold] is now, and the tremendous debt problem we [the United States] now have, by all means, sell at the peak." Apparently, the suggestion to sell assets while the worth is at its highest point is a very fishy action indeed.
The European Union Times also cites such well-known, and respected, media sources like the 'ViewZone' website (now forwarding to ''), a website which claims the Chinese received a shipment of fake gold bars in October of 2009 as an exchange between countries to pay debts in a balance of trade. According to the site, when the gold-bar shipment was received by China, and testing to guarantee purity and weight performed,officials were shocked to discover fake gold. Supposedly, between 5,600 to 5,700 bars -- weighing 400 oz. each -- were comprised of tungsten cores and contained real gold only on the outside of each bar. Drilling tests revealed the fakes. Those gold bars supposedly had serial numbers with origination of tracking that showed their derivation from the US. The claim is that those "fakes" had been stored in Fort Knox for years. Apparently that claim by an unknown website now serves as solid proof of the United States' role in deception and conspiracy.
Europe in particular isn't too pleased by U.S. legal charges brought against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the man of power who stands accused of raping and sodomizing a hotel maid in New York City. France wanted the IMF Chief as its next leader -- a hopeful in the future run against Sarkozy as France's next president and leader.
It's not really like Strauss-Kahn has a lot of competition in the presidential department for upcoming elections in France: current president Nicolas Sarkozy literally tops the 'unpopular' list, named the most unpopular leader in Gallic history. The Daily Mail says polls reflect that 75% of the French public estimates Sarkozy will be banished from his role as leader following France's 2012 presidential elections. French President Sarkozy even recently had a new, bullet-proof, umbrella designed to protect him from displays of hate -- a $20,000, four-pound, investment that protects the leader from live fire, missiles and even potential acid attacks.
To prove the power of media, word is circulating fast around the globe -- and that word on the streets is "conspiracy". Europe seems to believe the U.S. is interested in a take-down of Strauss-Kahn, at any cost. According to international media Strauss-Kahn is simply a victim, not a perpetrator. In fact a majority of the French public has been led to believe that the (once) presidential-hopeful, who stands accused of sexually assaulting a New York hotel maid, is indeed the victim of a plot.
No matter which side of the world, Hollywood does not roam far: media outlets refer to the Defense of Strauss-Kahn as a "crack team" comprised of no less than the best -- former CIA spies, private investigators and media advisers, all at the ready to set their man free. Their leader, Europe seems sure, will surely be vindicated in the evil scheme set in motion by United States government leaders.
If all of the above doesn't serve to prove the conspiracy set in motion by the U.S., European media offers up one more tidbit that's sure to sway even the most blinded: recent sexual assault charges against even the elite. In the U.S. plot of epic proportion, it appears no one has been spared. Europe's media cites Strauss-Kahn's close friend and ally as yet another example of suspcious deeds by the United States. Reportedly the Egyptian banker Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar, a close friend who Strauss-Kahn "reached out" to -- in efforts to retrieve evidence given to him by the CIA -- is also being persecuted on U.S. soil and by government 'hands'.
Supposedly before Strauss-Kahn could obtain that evidence concerning the CIA, apparently, the banker suffered a virtually identical 'fate' to Strauss-Kahn -- and stands wrongly-accused in a wide-reaching, sinister plot. Yes, Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar's been arrested related to sexual assault charges in New York -- and circumstances surrounding the arrest of Mahmoud Abdel Salam Omar is certainly less than coincidental. It has to be part of a government conspiracy. After all, the United States, yesterday, charged Omar with a sex crime against a luxury hotel maid. He's older, from Europe, has a lot of power, and is friends with Strauss-Kahn.
There is most certainly a plot occurring -- and the center of that plot seems to be New York, revolving around luxury hotels, old men who consider themselves powerful, and young women. This also must be part two of a "plot" against Strauss-Kahn, who seems to have a history surrounding sexual rape accusations by women. Most recently the woman who says she was abused by the IMF Chief feared for her career and was therefore unable to press legal charges at the time. That woman was in France, so France must be in on the conspiracy too. 
The Russian secret FSB report labels this occurrence and accusations against Omar as "beyond belief", since Omar is 72-years-old and a devout Muslim. That is beyond belief -- men, of course, have always displayed age and religious limitations which bar them from sexual crimes or lewd acts. 
Omar, former chairman of Egypt’s Bank of Alexandria, was held overnight at New York’s Riker’s Island jail complex after a Manhattan arraignment on charges of sexually abusing a maid at the Pierre Hotel in New York. It's all a set-up, those damn maids. Perhaps no one thought of refusing maid service in these declining and dangerous times.
Strangely, no one is referencing the adage that the company we keep tends to be a reflection of ourselves. 
The IMF Chief had been placed on suicide watch at Riker's Island Prison following his arrest at JFK airport weeks ago in May 2011. The man had been initially taken into police custody just two minutes before an Air France flight departed for Paris, France -- U.S. police boarding the Air France flight, literally, before take-off.
Nearly 60 percent of the French public says the International Monetary Fund chief is really innocent -- and that Dominque Strauss-Kahn is actively being framed in a conspiracy involving the U.S. government. As to why the U.S. government would possibly go the route of pressing rape and charges involving sex crimes, versus making someone "disappear" like in the movies, remains a bit unclear -- particularly with those "rogue" CIA agents and all. But supporters of Strauss-Kahn are adamant in the clear conspiracy involving the man as framed, in a sinister international conspiracy to sabotage his role in candidacy for France's next president.
Strauss-Kahn is free, for now, after six nights in New York police custody, released in the United States after payment of US $1,000,000 dollars (approximately £600,000) bail, along with US $5,000,000 cash bond and surrender of his passport for travel. The fact that he was allowed to post bail -- considering an international flight risk factor and obvious danger of disappearing altgother -- are already unreal. The IMF Chief can thank political motivations, and the United States' desire not to additionally ruffle feathers in what is a sensitive subject, for the current freedom he is enjoying. Most would find themselves still at Riker's. Strauss-Kahn can look at Bernie Madoff and thank his lucky stars.

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