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It turns out that government regulators need regulating: SEC employees have been watching porn during the stock market meltdown—while those employees tasked with overseeing safety in offshore drilling practices were doing drugs prior to the catastrophic BP Deepwater Horizon Rig explosion on the Gulf.
The House of Representatives has voted to block online pornography from all government PCs or computers, after reports that regulators were spending work time perusing porn sites—after failing to prevent major catastrophes.
As it turns out, internal employees of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), have been spending crucial work hours—and lots of them—to scope out X-rated flicks and photos. That’s right: SEC employees have been devoting government paid hours to watching or viewing porn and, it’s additionally alleged, to doing drugs during work hours.
United States government regulators have been spending paid hours to participate in extra-curricular activities while on the job: SEC employees were downloading porn instead of doing their jobs--while the United States stock market was experiencing a meltdown.
Equally bad: United States government regulators--employed with the task of ensuring safe offshore drilling practices—were doing drugs and downloading porn instead, before the BP Deepwater Horizon Rig exploded in the Gulf.
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