While employed w/ US Air they pushed their ticket, gate & baggage agent to send all complaints to the local Station Mngr's email address so those complaints would not have to be reported to the DOT. You know those numbers come out on T.V. & radio about airline complaints? Well US Air's are grossly under reported. Read more
US Airways has had repeated problems and now one of its passengers has been tased after leaving an item on-board a plane. Despite the weapon causing nearly 700 deaths since introduction, TSA uses a taser twice on an unarmed man in Sacramento's California airport. Read more
US Airways is under scrutiny again after a passenger claims he was forced to stand in an airline flight aisle for seven hours because of the obese size of his seatmate--the airline failing to sell the larger traveler two seats or catch its error at boarding. Read more
Less than a week after a U.S. Airways pilot arrested a college football player for allegedly refusing to pull up saggy pants, the airline is rocked by a revealing photo now surfaced: In the scandal, the airline allowed a man to fly, right before the Dushon Marman arrest, wearing just women’s underwear, a sheer shirt, black thigh-high stockings, and high heels. Read more
It seems U.S. Airways doesn't consider itself part of the travel industry battle to keep or gain new customers: The airline's pilot decided exercised his "right" to a citizen's arrest of a popular college football player who was arrested at San Francisco airport over sagging pants. The college student had just attended his best friend's funeral service June 15. Read more
The “Fees Flood Gates” have opened: US Airways is charging a pretty penny – or 9,000 – doubling baggage and luggage to $90 increase to fly with the stuff you’re used to carrying. Read more
As if TSA screenings and pre-board airport “naked scans” and security aren’t bad enough for travelers during the holiday season, fliers now need to ignore intrusive pat-downs and Read more
A US Airways flight was forced to be grounded during takeoff when maggots began falling on passengers from overhead—the plane and passengers were forced back to the gate and the flight grounded—called Read more