I believe I have been scammed in lake Charles LA by a Mr Harris and his wife Marie. I have communicated via email and TeX messages regarding a house for rent in lake Charles. The deposit was sent at the end of November to hold the house for me till the end of DEC and a partial payment of first months rent was made DEC 26 both via western Union. Read more
If you love the movie "Up" someone's got something to sell you--and it's not a bridge: Architects have created a pretty much exact replica of the house featured in Disney Pixar's "Up" film. That home's really for sale. Read more
It's a homeowner's worst nightmare: A home you buy does not really belong to you. Just months after purchasing a California house, an FBI call says the four-bedroom, Mediterranean-style residence in Murrieta is stolen property involved in mortgage fraud. The Zaharis' don't legally own the property but Bank of America insists on mortgage payments. Read more
“Squatters Rights” takes on a whole new meaning when property owners, who listed their home for sale—return to find an unknown family physically living in their Long Beach residen Read more