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Ms jeni jones

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In My Life

I believe I have been scammed in lake Charles LA by a Mr Harris and his wife Marie. I have communicated via email and TeX messages regarding a house for rent in lake Charles. The deposit was sent at the end of November to hold the house for me till the end of DEC and a partial payment of first months rent was made DEC 26 both via western Union. I attempted to call the number I had for Mr Harris after he failed to answer my TeX only to be told the number has been disconnected but I had 4 other people call the same number from their cell phone and the phone rang, said it was a goggle account and went to voicemail. So I am now out $1000.00 and have to be out of my current residence by Sunday DEC 31 and have absolutely nowhere to go to and no money to get there. There is a special place in hell for people like this

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