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Can I Comment on my own wack?

Absolutely. You can Comment on your own wack at any time. Your original wack can't be altered or edited once it's submitted-the wack Comment area is designed for that extra stuff you want to squeeze in, or just have to say after the fact. Sometimes you’ve forgotten a detail. Or sometimes more occurs-where you feel that compulsion to follow up and update that wack. When you’ve got a bit or byte to add, the ‘Post a Comment’ section’s the place you’ll want to be.
Scroll to the bottom of any wack experience, your own or anyone else's, where you can ‘Post a Comment’ instantly. If your feeling about the company or person remains the same, but you just want or need to add a bit more, this is the place to do it. The easiest way for smaller stuff you'd like to add or update. Comments aren't goin’ anywhere. Your Comment will always remain permanently attached to its wack, so your remarks will never be out of context.
Keep in mind that Wacktrap members can't rate a Comment, or give it any of those mallets. Only your wack experience itself can be rated-so if something's occurrred that involves a totally different aspect of the company, or a second company altogether, add a new wack here.
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