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You'd think people wouldn't require a "don't stick a limb in the ATM machine" warning--but a Pennsylvania woman's proved any theory of common sense all wrong at a First Commonwealth bank branch.
With bank depositories, people used to worry about their deposit getting stuck in a chute, and not credited to their accounts. Before ATM machines it wasn't uncommon for a bank to occasionally discover the stray deposit envelope stuck in a chute.
ATMs helped solve that problem -- at least for most people. That is, unless you're a woman in Pennsylvania, who manages to get a hand stuck in a Pittsburgh ATM machine. Banks kind of don't want you sticking limbs or digits into an ATM. It would seem like common sense -- and, in theory, wouldn't seem that easy to accomplish. But, as it turns out, it's apparently easier to get a hand into an ATM machine than to remove a hand after the fact.
A Robinson fire department in Allegheny County had to free a woman who got her hand stuck at the automated teller machine for a First Commonwealth bank branch. First Commonwealth bank says it's grateful the woman wasn't badly hurt. For most companies, that usually translates to the equivalent of 'we're grateful we're not sued over the incident,' dumb-ass.
So after that "accomplishment," the rest of the world will undoubtedly get to suffer for one individual's stupidity.
It's like the infamous McDonald's lawsuit -- related to the lady that spilled hot coffee in her crotch and received bad burns. For some inexplicable reason, she'd decided to place the coffee cup between her legs before attempting to remove the lid. If it sounds stupid enough, lawsuit proceedings revealed that roughly 700 other people had similar complaints reported to the restaurant chain. While some assume hot temperatures kind of go with the territory of a cup of coffee, others require the "Caution! Hot Beverage" message now included on every McDonald's cup of joe.
Then there's the more hush-hush lawsuit pertaining to Apple, its devices and headphones. In recent years, iPod customers have continued trying to troubleshoot "problems" with volume output and the devices -- even replacing headphones after being baffled by not being able to achieve the previous volume levels found on former iPod devices. Apple was actually sued over over accusations that iPods damage hearing or affect hearing loss: the company now maintains a volume cap on all newer-manufactured iPod devices since about 2006. So if it feels like you're older iPod got much louder, you're not crazy -- it did. In a separate lawsuit over earbuds, In addition to money damages, another lawsuit wanted a judge to require Apple to "improve and provide better earphones," offer disclosures, and even test iPod users for hearing loss. Apparently none of us can figure out that sticking something into our ears, with noise, can have some future implications down the line. Ipod users can thank lawsuits, and related fools, for permanently lower volumes and consistently getting to view the obvious: “permanent hearing loss may occur if earphones or headphones are used at high volume."
After the hand-in-the-ATM maneuver, hopefully the rest of us won't get stuck viewing yet another engraved plaque on the bank machines: Hey, Fool -- don't stick your hand, fingers, foot or toes into an ATM machine for any reason as doing so may cause bodily harm.
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