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Stamford Driver Lands on Office Building Roof

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by hearit

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In The News

Police in Stamford, Connecticut, say a man drove his car into a stone wall, driving the car airborne, to land on the roof of an accountant's office. The vehicle came to a stop in a residential yard.

The car's driver, Chenpai Lee, apparently drove his car into the opposite lane and, literally, 'hit a wall'. The car flipped several times, flew to put a hole in the roof of the office building, where it sat briefly while landing, then brought down power lines before coming to a complete halt, for good, in the home's yard.

Utility crews had to cut power to the wires, say police, before Lee could exit his car.
The accounting office of Barry Gould was hit by the car, who says it looked like someone had tried to install a sun window in his office.

Police say it's too early to know if Lee will face charges. No word on what's 'too late'.

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