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Seinfeld Has No Press Calls Celebrity Lady Gaga a Jerk

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Seinfeld's got no press, so he's got to get it from somewhere. The so-called comic calls Lady Gaga a “jerk” to fortify 'has-been' status: “I'm not one of these all-publicity-is-good people. People talk about [how] you need exposure -- you could die of exposure.” If that's the case, you’re killing yourself, Jerry.

Seinfeld’s a little riled over the celeb singer's June 10 incident at Citi Field—in a baseball game between the Mets and Padres. Lady Gaga stripped down to her bra and bikini bottom while flipping off photographers and paparazzi. The singer had started with front-row seats behind home plate, but hit a home run—Shea Stadium personnel moved the celebrity and her crew to private Box Seats. The only problem: those Box Seats belongs to Jerry Seinfeld and he didn’t know about the move.

"This woman is a jerk. I hate her," Seinfeld said during a WFAN radio press interview on Monday. "I can't believe they put her [Lady Gaga] in my box [seats at Shea Stadium], which I paid for."

Seinfeld cracked, "You give people the finger and you get upgraded? Is that the world we're living in now?"

Media reports, that Lady Gaga asked to be relocated from her front row game seats located right behind home plate, say the celebrity singer was feeling camera-shy. Translation: Lady Gaga didn’t want to be photographed by the paparazzi—and may have provided a finger or two to clarify that position.

The Mets PR team transferred Lady Gaga from behind-the-plate, front row seats to VIP Box Seats—those seats happened to be owned by celebrity comic Jerry Seinfeld, who wasn’t present for the baseball game. Once in the box seats, the singer may have displayed “the finger” (or two) for paparazzi benefit.

"She should make a nice apology to the [New York] Met fans," Seinfeld said. "Come on. We had her [Lady Gaga] as a guest and ... then I'm willing to forget the whole thing."

Who knew Jerry Seinfeld IS New York—or that his personal opinion regarding apologies was of any significance in an event entirely unrelated to him. Take it up with ‘your’ stadium that chose to utilize your seats you paid for, Jerry—they’re the only ones owing you any apology.

The world knows that Lady Gaga is certainly concerned about whether Jerry Seinfeld’s “willing to forget the whole thing”. Were it not for the fact that she wound up in his box seats, per placement decision of Shea Stadium, no one would even be taking a statement from the ‘comedian’.

Supposedly embarrassed about the box seats incident—which was chosen to be so highly profiled by Mr. Seinfeld--the Mets issued an apology to Seinfeld: "We deeply regret that Jerry Seinfeld has been associated with this matter and have apologized to him. The use of Jerry Seinfeld's suite was unauthorized and unknown to him at the time. We made a quick decision to place Lady Gaga and her group in a private suite because of issues related to her visit."

Translation: we didn’t want to lose the publicity of Lady Gaga being at a Mets game. We wanted to place here in a private suite so that she didn’t leave—and didn’t think anyone would notice whose seats those were. Since we placed Lady Gaga in your box seats and that fact did become noticed, we didn’t want to be refunding the price of those box seats—so here’s your apology, Seinfeld.

So, Jerry, Gaga didn’t ask to be placed in your box seats—‘your’ stadium made the decision. That would make the issue between you and Shea Stadium. But, of course, Shea Stadium wouldn’t be getting you anywhere near as much exposure—the same exposure that you so eloquently reference in this little beauty of a statement:

Seinfeld told the media, in reference to Lady Gaga: “I'm not one of these all-publicity-is-good people. People talk about [how] you need exposure -- you could die of exposure.”

Hey, Seinfeld—maybe you should take your own advice and refrain from any potential of looking like a complete hypocrite. You COULD “die of exposure”, which appears to be what’s occurring.

"I don't know what these young people think or how they promote their careers," Seinfeld said. "I'm older, I'm 56. I look at Lady Gaga the way Keith Hernandez watches these kids when they pull the pocket out, they wear the inside-out pocket. ... Do you think he understands that? He can't understand that. That's a new game, that's kids."

Those whippersnappers.

"We don't understand the kids today and the music business," Seinfeld joked. "Maybe, you know, I'm sure we'll all be bigger fans now that she's [Lady Gaga’s] cursed us out." She didn’t curse you out, Jerry—time to get those eyes checked.

Way to date yourself, Jerry—if everyone wasn’t aware of how old you were, it’s certainly at the forefront now.

Of course good ol’ Seinfeld had to wrap it up with the zinger:

"I wish her [Lady Gaga] the best.. you take one 'A' off of that and you've got gag," Seinfeld told the press. Yes, Jerry, you certainly do have gag--perhaps you’d better deny you ever proposed that knee-slapper. Apparently it’s time to work on the material—unless you’re too old to remember that you’re a comic by trade.

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