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Eminem Unfinished New Album Tracks are Leaked to ebay

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by hearit

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In The News

Rap musician Eminem may be currently in the lab working on new material, but the artist's work isn't staying in the studio-three of his unfinished songs have been leaked, finding their way onto the ebay auction site.
Eminem and his label, Interscope Records, had a scare last week when the artist's unfinished tracks were illegally stolen-ending up on eBay. A source told the New York Post, "He has a very close-knit group of people he works with--he [Eminem] knows everybody who goes in and out of that [recording] studio.
About a week and a half ago, somebody copied three unfinished Eminem raps [of the artist] onto CDs and subsequently tried to sell them on the ebay auction site. Ebay immediately took the auction [of the leaked Eminem tracks] down and has promised [record label] Interscope the tracks will never be auctioned on its site, but the problem is every time they [ebay] shut the [illegal] auction down, it pops back up." According to the source, everyone in Eminem's circle who has access to the studio including managers, advisers, and friends, is being interviewed. Interscope Records is considering hiring a special security team to make sure that no additional music of Eminem's is leaked before the new album becomes available for sale.
No release date has been set for Eminem's untitled new album in the U.S. Eminem's new album, follow-up to last year's "Relapse" album is entitled  "Recovery"; the "Recovery" album has a slated UK release date of June 21, 2010. U.S. radio airwaves and night clubs are featuring Eminem's new single track, "Business", currently available as a European import only.

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