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What is optional OpenID log-in?

What is OpenID? If you've heard it makes doing stuff faster and easier, that's because OpenID requires remembering only one username and password. That's right: just one instead of a bunch of 'em. Of course that's appealing. Basically, OpenID is a tech-savvy way to simplify your life and logins.
Wacktrap now offers OpenID. OpenID is on the grow and, in fact, you may already have an ID and not even know it. If you've got an account with some of the biggies like MySpace, Yahoo, Google, flickr, AOL/AIM, Blogger, WordPress or Live Journal, then you've got an OpenID. Each of the above sites is an OpenID provide.
Something to know: your OpenID includes the provider's name in that assigned url you'll be gettin' (i.e., google, yahoo, etc.). This can make your ID easy to remember. But you may instead choose an OpenID provider that holds no association to other online accounts or services you're utilizing.
An example of a provider dedicated specifically to OpenID services includes There are a number of OpenID providers, including those major providers listed at top. Information and resources concerning OpenID and its providers may be found at websites like Wacktrap has no affiliation with, nor recommendation of, any specific OpenID provider or service.
Wacktrap offers OpenID solely for member ease of use. Use of OpenID log-in is an option, not a requirement. All Wacktrap members can always use regular username and password log-in, instead of OpenID, at any time.
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