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Bride Adds Bite to Crime as Florida Wedding Ends in Nightclub Arrest

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by hearit

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In The News

 It seems one Florida couple skipped the pre-marriage counseling--choosing to head straight for assault and battery: A Broward County bride is arrested just hours after a wedding ceremony--at a nightclub where her new husband allegedly received bites instead of kisses.
It's a well-known fact that weddings can turn disastrous but 30-year-old Bernadette Besario Catan-Keeler decided to mix things up a bit -- starting the disaster after the actual nuptials. The new bride found herself arrested, accused of domestic battery on her husband Mike Keeler, not long after saying "I do".
The post-wedding destination was apparently a nightclub -- of course, the typical pit stop for the new bride and groom. It seems the pair had begun partying at the W Hotel in Fort Lauderdale.
At the nightclub, a fight began when Mr. Keeler allegedly became upset about his new wife's dance moves -- that, according to him, were taking place with someone else. Apparently the husband believed his wife was getting a tad "frisky" on the dance floor with another guy. Lighthouse Point Police say the hubby initially left the nightclub but that his new wife followed -- to allegedly bite him on his left shoulder, before switching it up to then later bite her new love on his right arm.
911 does not always seem to benefit the caller: A phone call was reportedly made from the new bride's phone, when police responded to the call and discovered some chaos.
And so it became that Mrs. Catan-Keeler got to spend her wedding night locked in a Broward County jail cell rather than a hotel suite. Florida law enforcement had her held on $4,500 bond Monday -- though her new husband attended the court hearing to request leniency. That may have been to avoid an additional criminal Defense bill he'll be helping to foot, now that they're married and all.
The judge has ordered the recent bride to stay away from her new husband, throwing a wrench in any honeymoon plans. But it can always be worse. At least a wrench wasn't literally involved: a guy in Three Forks, Montana, assaulted the bride -- his pregnant sister -- hitting her in the mouth with a wrench, at her own wedding reception.
No word on where the Florida "match made in heaven" met -- but something says it just may have been a nightclub.


Lighthouse Point Police Department
3701 Northeast 22nd Avenue
Lighthouse Point, FL 33064-3941
United States
Phone: (954) 942-8080
26° 16' 34.8348" N, 80° 5' 37.446" W
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