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7.3 Earthquake Hits Japan July 10 Tsunami Warning Evacuates Fukishima

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by copythat

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In The News

Just 3 months after Japan was struck by an earthquake and tsunami in March, another major earthquake has today hit Japan: On Sunday, July 10, 2011 (Saturday, July 9, 2011 in United States) a 7.3 quake has struck, triggering yet another tsunami warning across a nation that's still recovering from natural disasters that left 23,000 dead or missing. Fukushima power plant has been evacuated.
Today's quake causes concerns of a new nuclear problem cropping up. Japan's Meteorological Agency says the July 10 quake has struck a depth of 6 miles off the northeast coast of Japan, with a magnitude of 7.3. Right now there are no reported injuries and airports are still working after what the U.S. Geological Survey says was a time of 10:57 a.m. at the epicenter, about 130 miles east of Sendai in Japan.
The Tsunami Warning that's officially in effect could generate a tsunami up to 20 inches (50 centimeters) if the natural disaster does follow the quake.
The July 9, 2011 (July 10 in Japan) earthquake hits the same region as was struck by the massive 9.0 earthquake on March 11, 2011, in a disaster that left nearly 23,000 Japanese dead or missing. There are fears the new July 9 quake could cut power to the Fukishima nuclear power plant that had a meltdown -- related to the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami that caused a meltdown responsible for the worst nuclear disaster ever.
Tokyo Electric Power has evacuated all workers at Fukushima power plant to higher ground while the tsunami warning is in effect, though there were no reports of new damage from today's 7.3 quake.


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A tsunami one-fifth the

July 9, 2011 by copythat, 13 years 3 weeks ago

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A tsunami one-fifth the largest estimate has now hit Japan shores, measuring about four inches on July 10 (July 9 in U.S.)