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Gin Soaked Raisin Defense Battles Under the Influence Charges

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by hearit

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In The News

The new, best excuse relating to DUI charges makes gargling with Listerine old news—a Pennsylvania woman claims that she was eating gin-soaked raisins, not drinking alcohol. The woman’s previous court probation may throw a wrench in the works for that non-intoxication argument—but the gin-soaked raisin defense ups the ante: the alcohol-soaked raisins, claims her defense attorney, is a method used to treat the defendant’s arthritis.
Alcohol-soaked raisins may work for the arthritis, but not the court system. A Northampton County, Pennsylvania state, judge has sentenced defendant Russo to jail time—following a failed urine test required under the defendant’s prior court plea and terms of probation in an unrelated case.
The gin-raisin defense follows probation of a previous a plea deal with the courts--entry of ‘No Contest’ in an unrelated stalking charge.
The Pennsylvania woman’s defense attorney has immediately filed court documents, stating his client has turned to the alcohol-soaked fruit “because conventional medication doesn't work.”
Similarly, much of America claims the same.

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