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I wish this guy would've been taken up by the rapture this past weekend so his narrow-minded, judgmental ass would be removed from the face of the Earth. Besides the sheer idiocy of his position on rape pregnancies, I can't believe he's a pastor of a church, which I presume probably espouses some kind of notion of compassion for others. However, he apparently feels that those who have been raped deserve no such compassion and should have been prepared for being raped and becoming pregnant by said rape. In a nutshell, this elected official is supporting a ban on insurance companies in Kansas offering abortion coverage as part of their general health plans. He even believes that rape pregnancies are a foreseeable possibility for which women should carry their own separate "abortion-only policy." I could go on and on about my ideas of what I would like to do to this guy, but I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to what should happen to him.
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