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Health officials say many public swimming pools aren't as clean as they should be. With checks done in 13 states, a report says one in eight public swimming pools were shut down after inspections. Some pools were too dirty while some had missing safety equipment.
Kiddie pools had the most disinfection problems, and were commonly contaminated by bits of fecal matter; notice that's '"bits of fecal matter", not traces. Also of note: adult swimming pools aren't exempt from the fecal matter issue. One Health Official called the finding "concerning." Um...is it only "concerning" to be literally swimming in shit.
Based on more than 120,000 routine inspections of public swimming pools, including those in public parks and at hotels and motels, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, 15,000 public swimming pools were shut down; that's based only on routine inspections and with inspections of less than 1/3 of the U.S. states.
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