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Hey Obama Cut Foreign Aid And Give Us Our Government Back

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by venusrising

venusrising's picture
In My Life

Hey, U.S. Government, let’s cut down on foreign aid. Whatever happened to charity begins at home?

The U.S. is in a debt crisis and somehow that does not seem to matter. We give billions of dollars to foreign countries that need aid while our own plate remains empty. Ask yourself this: While you might like to share, if you could not provide food or housing for your own family, would it make sense to give your paycheck to the neighbor next door? Perhaps it is time to pull our troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and let those countries decide what is important to them while they get their own house in order.

Why do we constantly decide we need to be the world’s keeper? The United States should be leading by example, and the first order of business should be to focus on making our own economy grow. Cutting back bureaucratic red tape for small business would be a great start. New taxes on a small segment of the country is such BS - yet another example of stealing from Peter to pay Paul. If we put half as much time into focusing on our own U.S. citizens and countrymen we would be far better off. Our educational system is broken and our constant idea to standardize everything goes against the very fabric of this nation. The United States has been built on innovation, individualism and capitalism. It worked once, and it can work again. Provide teachers the ability to be individuals. Let them teach – and do not dole out some government-planned standard. The United States is a country that innovates and breaks rules; we need to regain that zest and zeal. Teaching our kids that there is only one way to learn is plain crazy, and guess what?: IT DOES NOT WORK. Let’s put the brakes on U.S. foreign aid - and get the United States back on track.

So, hey, Obama – Hey, Senate - Hey, House: Get out of the way. WE THE PEOPLE want our damn country back.

According to
One-third of ALL US AID goes to Israel and Egypt.

These 2 countries receive one-third of the total aid, the majority of which pays for armaments.Yet, neither is a "developing" country.

Check out the list of U.S. Foreign Aid TOP RECIPIENT COUNTRIES


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Washington, DC 20500
United States
Phone: 202-456-1111
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