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Something stinks in the OC and it’s headed out by mail to thousands. Political candidate Van Tran trashes opponent Loretta Sanchez in the first “scratch and sniff” mailer ad campaign that truly smells--like trash.
CA Congressional candidate Van Tran’s sending out "scratch-and-sniff" mailers to local Orange County, California, voters—and those mailers, literally, smell. The Tran campaign piece is designed to look like a perfume ad, complete with the smiling face of Loretta Sanchez—scratch the ad’s surface, and you’ll smell trash.
The "scratch-and-sniff” campaign is from Republican candidate for U.S. Representative Van Tran. Tran’s trying to oust incumbent Democrat Loretta Sanchez, and her decade and a half run in the position. The race is close in the 47th Congressional District which includes the Orange County, California, cities of Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana.
Van Tran’s statement: "Something smells rotten about Loretta -- it's the stench of Washington."
Loretta Sanchez’s response: "It is disgusting. We're trying to talk about the issues in the race and he's sending out smelly things," said Sanchez.
Oh, yeah? “I'm rubber, your glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.”
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