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Meg Whitman Camp Sends Backers to Cross-Dressing Bassist You Tube Video

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by hearit

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In The News

Yeah, social networking apparently isn't for everyone--proved by Meg Whitman's camp when a tweet from the Whitman campaign for California governor sent the wrong message: backers were sent to view a cross-dressing, Japanese bassist dressed in a tutu in his own You Tube video--not a Whitman endorsement. Character, or one specific character, counts. Whitman's campaign spokeswoman Sarah Pompei meant to retweet an endorsement from the San Diego Deputy Sheriff's Association to Twitter followers but managed to leave off an "r". Whitman backers were instead sent to an unrelated You Tube video of a Japanese bass player--dressed in a pink tutu. Apparently that 150 million that Whitman's spent has far reaches--all the way to Japan. The retweeted link sends viewers to the You Tube video clip entitled "K-ON! Fuwa Fuwa Time bass", complete with a cross-dressing bass player dressed in a tutu--and other interesting attire. The Japanese bassist's video clip has now acquired nearly one million views on You Tube over the past 24 hours. Strangely, the media's kept this one--for the most part--out of the news. Less strange, more viewers seem to be endorsing the cross-dressing Japanese bassist over Whitman for California governor.

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