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Bride Beats Record Setting Groom in Wedding Eating Contest

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by underthesea

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In The News

Some of the world's top competitive eaters gathered in one place—this time for a wedding—where the bride beat the record-setting groom in an eating contest.

Hall Hunt, one of the world’s fastest eaters—on record for eating 63 Krystal burgers in eight minutes’ time—got hitched to new bride Emily Wright. The pair made sure hamburgers were on the wedding reception menu—as a celebration of Hunt's record dietary intake. Hunt, technically a civil engineer by trade, has subsidized regular income with extra revenue related to his food-related pastime: the engineer’s brought in an extra $60,000 over five years, all from competitive eating.

The world’s #1 competitive eater in the world, Joey Chestnut, was on the wedding’s guest list. Bride, groom and the guest attendee were all challenged to a cake eating contest—the winner: the bride.

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