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Why I canceled my Netflix Blu-ray and Kept My Streaming Account

March 7, 2012 12:00am by venusrising

In My Life

I finally canceled my Netflix Blu-ray delivery yesterday. I have been a consistent customer for three years and have loved watching Blu-ray Disks in my high-end home theater setup. However, it just got to be crazy paying almost $27.00 (before taxes!) for 3 Blu-rays with streaming when often a new movie would have a wait and there is now a Redbox up the street. Read more

Crazy Homophobic Netflix Complaint

February 9, 2012 5:08pm by venusrising

In My Life

Today I came upon one of the craziest complaints I have ever read about Netflix. This all has to do with Gay and Lesbian Rental being made available and nothing to do with a service issue. Read more

Occupy Wall Street Now Spreading To Sesame Street

October 16, 2011 1:40pm by venusrising

In My Life

Occupy Wall Street is spreading to Sesame Street in Manhattan, New York. Word on the street is that that Oscar the grouch is angry with the city for not replacing the garbage cans in years. Big Bird would like Chase Bank to stop being greedy and cheap, and to finally heighten those door frames once and for all.

A Bad Situation Abercrombie Fitch PR Stunt Claims to Pay Jersey Shore Stars Not to Wear Clothes

August 17, 2011 9:18pm by copythat

In The News

Abercrombie & Fitch claims it doesn't want a 'situation'. The clothing company is supposedly offering to pay Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino not to wear its branded merchandise. But rather than just do it, the company's making a handy little announcement to garner some attention. A&F says it wants to pay other Jersey Shore reality stars to avoid the brand too. Read more

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Sesame Street Denies Bert and Ernie are Gay Refuses Facebook Marriage Petition

August 12, 2011 12:02am by copythis

In The News

It's been a hot topic--whether Bert and Ernie are gay. Sesame Street answers the debate after a Facebook petition pushes for Muppet Marriage. The puppets are just friends and (long-term) roommates, not gay. They're not 'straight' either--nor bisexual or transgender. They cannot marry, claims Sesame Street, since they've got no sexual orientation. Read more

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US Plans to Top Brits as Orlando Builds World's Tallest Ferris Wheel to Outdo London

August 11, 2011 4:03am by copythis

In The News

The U.S. wants to top London--literally. Orlando, Florida, has just approved plans for a US $100 million dollar project to build the world's tallest ferris wheel. It's modeled after London's project. But Orlando thinks the "London Eye" is 'so 2000'. Plus, Orange County really needs something fun after Casey Anthony. Read more

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Repo Games TV Show Debtors Play to Keep Repossessed Cars Vehicles

July 25, 2011 2:26pm by editor

In The News

In what may be the cruelest joke on people about to have cars repossessed, a new reality game show allows contestants to fight for gaining back possession of vehicles--and having cars paid off in full. It's not 'reindeer games', it's "Repo Games" on Tru TV. Real-life repo men make debtors answer five questions. Three better be right. Read more

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Singer Amy Winehouse has died sick Websites asked people to predict her death

July 23, 2011 11:55am by wombat

In The News

It is a very sad day that singer Amy Winehouse has passed away due to an alleged drug overdose. Like so many other talented singer that lost their battles with drug and alcohol abuse the news is heartbreaking. I feel so very sad that she never got the help she needed and yet, I know you cannot help someone that does not want to be helped. Read more

Netflix Deletes Facebook Price Hikes Comments Deleting Customer Complaints

July 13, 2011 1:49am by hearit

In The News

Unbelievably, Netflix employees are actively deleting Facebook comments about the price hikes scheduled to take effect September 1, 2011. As late as 2 a.m., the movie company has actively deleted hundreds of consumer comments -- pages at a time -- that shed a poor light on the company. Read more

Customers Drop Netflix Prices Rise 63% in Movie Streaming Rates Increase

July 12, 2011 11:24pm by hearit

In The News

Netflix customers are irate as prices rise yet again: Netflix price boosts will increase the dvd service's $9.99 per month plan to $15.98--in about a 63% pricing increase for movie customers. Read more