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Colbert on Fear and Shortage of Minorities Immigrants Elections Photos

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by hearit

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In The News

Stephen Colbert’s kicking off the election coverage on "The Colbert Report," tackling the subject of fear in America—and its presence in current, mid-year elections campaigns.

Colbert’s camp has discovered that two, unrelated elections campaign candidates--the respective Nevada Senator Sharron Angle and Louisiana Senator David Vitter—both using the same "scary minorities" identical stock photo in separate tv ads against the senators' election opponents. Apparently, stock photos of scary illegal minorities is unavailable.

Colbert presents his solution for the lack of creativity or ‘shortage’ of available photo shots: a new, “fear-based photo licensing service” which he appropriately dubs Colbert’s new company tagline for the company where America and elections candidates can obtain stock photos, "for when reality isn't as terrifying as you need it to be".

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