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Why I canceled my Netflix Blu-ray and Kept My Streaming Account

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by venusrising

venusrising's picture
In My Life

I finally canceled my Netflix Blu-ray delivery yesterday. I have been a consistent customer for three years and have loved watching Blu-ray Disks in my high-end home theater setup. However, it just got to be crazy paying almost $27.00 (before taxes!) for 3 Blu-rays with streaming when often a new movie would have a wait and there is now a Redbox up the street.

I kept the streaming as we have several devices that are capable of Netflix streaming like Google TV, LG Bluray Player and Kindle Fire to name a few. For $7.99 a month it worth keeping. Had Netflix not increased the price so significantly I would have just left it as I had for several years.

The price has really ticked many people off as the GigaOm site states that Netflix lost 2.76 Million DVD Subscribers in the last quarter of 2011 alone. They really should have thought about just jacking the price up on some of its most loyal customers, oh well, I just saved myself over twenty bucks a month.

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