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It seems there's always a reason to visit Hooter's--the restaurant's proving a hot spot for school chaperones who seem to frequently find a reason to cart kids: Berwick Middle School students got a lunch of a lifetime.
The Pennsylvania eighth-graders got to visit the Baltimore location of the "restaurant" known for well-endowed waitresses and a promise to provide diners with "a unique, entertaining dining experience ... delivered by attractive, vivacious Hooters Girls."
In the eyes of an eighth-grade boy, there's probably no better field trip imaginable. Alternate activities for Berwick Middle School students -- including a slated trip to the National Aquarium in Maryland -- must've paled in comparison.
Hooter's wasn't on the schedule per so. Berwick school chaperones say the group was eventually split, for visits to various area restaurants -- the group size of 100 students proving too large for one restaurant to handle during lunchtime hours.
Less than one-fifth of the eighth-grade, middle school, students were fortunate enough to physically end up at the Hooter's Restaurant in Maryland: roughly 15 to 20 students made it the locale, the remaining 80-85 funneled to alternate surrounding restaurants.
The kids in attendance must've considered themselves very fortunate, indeed, in winning that "lottery".
Berwick School District Superintendent Wayne Brookhart says that though he wishes the group's co-ed chaperones had chosen another restaurant other than Hooter's, he hasn't yet received complaints from any of the 8th-graders' parents.
Hooters says it often hosts groups. That the restaurant does. In fact it's had a few memorable visits involving young students -- maybe the most famous involving high-schoolers of a choir who were performing for President Obama:
January of last year, high school students made the news when 40 choir students got a field trip of a lifetime while traveling with their music choir teacher. The kids ended up lunching with the kids at Hooters in downtown Phoenix, Arizona.
The high-school age, choir students were on a field trip and scheduled to perform at President Obama's Inaugural Ball at the outset of the year. There was at least one casualty in that unscheduled Hooter's trip: Paradise Valley High School choir director Mary Segall didn't fare so well after her decision: she suddenly found herself on administrative leave from the school, after 23 years in her role as a teacher with the school district.
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