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Nokia N900 Wav Files Problems Support not Playing

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Nokia N900 Mobile Cell Phones have yet another wack issue, aside from the MMS fix coming: the N900 problem is that it won't support wav files in emails.
Nokia Customer Service technical is aware of the N900 wav file support problem, but Nokia doesn't yet have a fix for wavs. Customer Services' recommendation to N900 buyers: open the wav file on a computer instead of via emails sent to the device. With the wav file format used commonly for business services like receiving toll-free phone messages and Cisco voicemail, the problem with Nokia's N900 recommendation 'fix' of getting to a desktop computer is obvious: waiting to return to an office or home computer, in order to open the wav file, entirely defeats the purpose of that 'internet tablet' on the go.
The N900 cell phone device is supposedly designed to make life easier for customers, functioning as a second mobile computer-your computer away from your computer. Unfortunately that's not quite working out: the wav files, listed as supported in Nokia N900 specifications, don't function. And Nokia's not posting the wav file problem. Rather, N900 customers are having to find out from other buyers online.
When the N900 mobile computer can't support something as simple as opening or playing a wav file, that's a real problem. Wav files are one of the most common file formats sent and received by email, used standardly and with common support for years now. Good mobile phones, and smartphones including Windows Mobile cell phones, handle playing and support of wav files with ease. Similar to the N900 MMS issue, and lack of Nokia offering MMS support technology on the N900 from the get-go, this wav file support issue is a could present big problems for phone buyers.
Nokia lists specifications for its N900 device as specifically supporting/playing the wav file format, so apparently there's been an oversight or a bug causing this problem. Nokia plans to fix the other problem, customer backlash over current lack of MMS, through firmware upgrade in early 2010; soon, N900 customers will be able to send and receive picture messages-messaging away like they've been used to doing on traditional smartphones and evee non-tech-savvy cell devices.
But unlike the MMS technology which Nokia plans to fix for U.S. customers, there's no plans yet for resolving this wav file bug. And wav files are a big deal in doing business on the go. Wack as wack gets, this wav problem needs a fix, and some support quick, Nokia.

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