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Matador Thanks Lucky Balls in Bullfighting Escape Video

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A matador ran away from a charging bull, straight over a stadium wall—then into the hands of the law who had the bullfighter arrested. The torero did escape with his life, and other parts intact—saying “I didn’t have the balls.”

Fortunately he was able to hold onto those physically during the debacle—and should probably consider speed as--and possibly a higher force--a blessing on his side.

The Mexican bullfighter, Christian Hernandez, was arrested following his botched bullfight at the Plaza Mexico—the charges: breach of contract. Hernandez was released from legal custody after paying a fine—a fine he may consider to be well worth his life.

Bullfighter Hernandez had made one spin with his red cape at the charging bull, before then suddenly running across the bull ring and bailing over a wall at Plaza Mexico—ditching his red cape in the process of escape.

While the crowd was not happy, at least one person was happier than if he’d stayed. Several months previous, a different bull had gored Hernandez’s leg in a bullfight. Apparently the bullfighter hadn’t shaken the memories.

Also good for Hernandez that any mid-life crisis or need for clarity, in his 'calling, struck early:

"There are some things you must be aware of about yourself," the 22-year-old Mexican Matador said. "I didn't have the ability, I didn't have the balls, this is not my thing."

It first appeared that Plaza Mexico stadium or law enforcement officials had temporarily convinced Hernandez to return to the bullfighting ring, but then the bullfighter placed his hands over his head, pointed upward—making a second and final exit from the stadium, while shaking his head. The matador later said he’ll be retiring from the bullfighting profession--at the grand old age of 22.

While it may not have been the most graceful exit from a career—at least the matador escaped with everything intact.

Many thanks to mikeydroog for credit in setting the bullfighting escape scene to its music match made in heaven: The Spencer Davis Group - "Keep On Running"


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