Two of Galileo's fingers, removed from his corpse by admirers in the 18th century, have gone on display at Museo Galileo museum in Florence, Italy--complete with the astronomer's middle finger pointed Read more
All sixty-two feet of Jesus Christ--King of King--burned to the ground. Nicknamed Touchdown Jesus, the $250,000 statue was struck by lightning during an Ohio thunderstorm. Read more
So today the Catholic church says that Pedophilia is linked to homosexuals. Hmm..anyone at the Catholic church considered the phrase "know when to say when"... Read more
"From God comes the courage not to be intimidated by petty gossip." This is the Pope's response, or rather non-response, to the sexual abuse allegations that are beginning to reveal the Read more
A British priest advises his Christian congregation to shoplift (aka steal) in these tough economic times that are bringing us all down. Hey, sometimes you gotta have options. Read more