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Worst First Date Ends in Jail for Two Florida Teenagers at TGI Fridays

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It's not a bad date--it's the epitome of the worst first date when both parties end up arrested.
Times are tough, and funds are short -- as has always been true for the crowd infamously known to be short on cash -- otherwise known as teenagers. But somehow teens have always found something to do despite lack of funding -- and it (usually) worksw -- whether it's a beach, a park or any shared space. As long as it's not jail.
They could've chosen something cheap, list most teenagers do. Coning only would've cost them a buck apiece and the stupidity of the owling 'movement' is free. Unfortunately two Florida teens didn't choose a public and free place to spend time together or something ultra-cheap. Instead, one pair decided to dine, then ditch the bill. Only it didn't work out so well. T.G.I. Friday's didn't have the reputation of the best and brightest after its pre-existing reputation kind of got solidified with the restaurant chain's employee who attended the Casey Anthony jury trial. He'd be the jackass who potentially could've ruined the whole trial (and, for all anyone knows, did). That TGI Fridays server gained himself jail time after flipping off the Anthony trial prosecutor for reasons still unknown -- maybe even to him.
But Devin Norling, 18, and Sydney Sanders, 19, may prove to be just about as bright as the Florida T.G.I. Fridays server. The first date and meal, at the Indian River Mall T.G.I. location for the restaurant chain, ended with the duo trying to figure out a way to avoid a $25.16 unpaid bill. Yes, a whopping twenty-five bucks. At T.G.I. Friday's, that's exactly two meals. The smart pair apparently didn't even bother to rack up a bill inclusive of an appetizer. Most thieves, who are going to ditch, go big. This pair doesn't seem to have been thinking that far ahead.
The genius pairing was smart enough to talk with the restaurant manager, not just an inattentive server -- to make themselves very memorable, and easily identifiable to cops. The pair even told the T.G.I. Fridays manager they were on a first date. And the teens are apparently as successful with (attempted) crime as they are with dating: The girl made it, briefly, to the patio before being busted on 'flight' to the parking lot. She actually may have made it had Genius number two not set off an alarm by exiting through a clearly-marked door for a fire exit. He made sure she got arrested -- for more than one thing. When confronted by a manager, the fool decided to run. He didn't get so far. But he did ensure cops found the girl -- who allegedly happened to have a pot pipe and some weed, creating a bit of a possession of paraphernalia problem.
Way to go, Romeo.
And Juliet.
Something says there won't be a second date following jail.


T.G.I. Fridays
6200 20th Street
Vero Beach, FL 32966
United States
27° 38' 28.7412" N, 80° 27' 27.1944" W
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